Conditions and Physiotherapy Treatments

Lower back pain physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Lower Back Pain

 Lower back pain affects a large portion of the population, and I understand the challenges it poses. With my expertise, I employ evidence-based techniques to effectively assess and treat lower back pain. Through tailored exercises, manual therapy, and ergonomic guidance, I help you regain strength, flexibility, and stability in your lower back, enabling you to resume your daily activities with reduced discomfort.

Lower Limb Pain and Joint, hip, knee, ankle Physiotherapy Treatments Cork, West Cork

Lower Limb Injury & Conditions

Whether you’re dealing with hip or knee issues, ankle sprains or plantar fasciitis, I understand how lower limb injuries can impact your mobility and quality of life. Through a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and biomechanical analysis, I strive to reduce pain, improve stability, and restore your lower limb function.

Upper back and neck pain physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Neck and Back Pain

Neck and back pain can be debilitating, impacting your daily life. UfirstPhysio offers specialized treatments to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and restore function to your neck and back. By utilizing a combination of manual therapy, targeted exercises, postural correction, and the most up to date techniques, I aim to address the root cause of your pain and enhance your musculoskeletal health.

Neurorogical conditions parkinsons, dementure physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Neurological Conditions

I provide targeted rehabilitation programs for individuals with neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease. By utilizing neurophysiological techniques, balance training, gait re-education, and task-specific exercises, I aim to enhance your motor control, promote independence, and improve your overall quality of life.

Pre surgical preparation and post surgical recovery physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Pre and Post-Surgical Management

Preparing for surgery or recovering from surgical procedures requires specialized physiotherapy care. At UfirstPhysio, I offer tailored pre and post-surgical management to optimize your outcomes. From optimizing physical function and reducing pain before surgery, to designing personalized rehabilitation programs and pain management strategies post-surgery, I am dedicated to promoting healing, restoring mobility, and regaining your strength.

Sports Injury Physiotherapy Treatment Cork, West Cork

Sports Injury

Sports injuries require specialized care and expertise. Having obtained a BSc. (Hons) in Sports Rehabilitation and Athletic Therapy, I can draw upon my extensive experience in managing and treating various sports-related injuries across multiple disciplines. Whether you’re dealing with ligament sprains, muscle strains, or joint instability, I design tailored treatment plans to help you regain optimal function, prevent future injuries, and enhance your athletic performance. By incorporating sports-specific exercises and utilizing advanced modalities, I am committed to helping you get back on track.

Sprains and strains physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Sprains and Strains:

Sudden movements and overexertion can result in sprains and strains, causing pain and hindering your mobility. At UfirstPhysio, I offer comprehensive assessment and treatment for sprains and strains. Through therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and appropriate bracing or taping techniques, I expedite your recovery and work towards preventing re-injury.

Strength and Conditioning Physiotherapy Clonakilty, West Cork

Strength and Conditioning:

As an integral part of overall physical fitness, strength and conditioning programs play a vital role in optimising your athletic performance and are key components of preventing and rehabilitating injuries. At UfirstPhysio, I offer personalized strength and conditioning programs tailored to your individual needs and goals. Through progressive resistance training, functional movements, and performance enhancement strategies, I aim to enhance your muscular strength, improve your athletic performance, and minimise the risk of injuries. This unique service is provided through the use of the specialised on site rehabilitation gym.

Upper limb pain, elbow, shoulder, wrist physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Upper Limb Injury & Conditions

From shoulder impingements to tennis elbow, upper limb injuries can hinder your ability to perform everyday tasks. I focus on assessing and rehabilitating upper limb injuries, promoting pain relief, restoring range of motion, and enhancing functional strength. Through targeted exercises, joint mobilization, and soft tissue techniques, I aim to optimize your recovery and facilitate a swift return to normal function.

Vestibular rehabilitation, vertigo, diziness, stroke physiotherapy treatment Cork, West Cork

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular disorders can significantly impact your daily life, causing dizziness, vertigo, and balance problems. At UfirstPhysio, I offer vestibular rehabilitation to alleviate your symptoms and improve your balance and proprioception. Through specific exercises, gaze stabilization techniques, and habituation exercises, I work towards restoring your vestibular function and enhancing your confidence in performing daily activities.